Tithing Challenge

Well, it's all over the internet about Lifechurch.tv giving a tithing challenge. You can read the article
I've been doing it for about 7 years. I guess when you are a little church no one notices.


I think it is sad that preachers will use manipulation to get there church to tithe.I don't believe my pastor has ever given a tithing challenge but miraculously our church always meets it finacial needs.Go figure!
Joe said…
I don't see it as manipulation. Nor do I use it that way. I never lead out of that. I use it as another way to get people to think about tithing. I'm glad your church has all the money it needs. That is not true for the vast majority of churches in the world. And since money is tied to tightly to peoples hearts, this is another way of trying to help them loosen their grip on their finances and let God take control.
Joe said…
Remember where you came from too. It wasn't always that way for you.
Joe, you read me wrong. I tithe and I believe it is mandated by God. Sure, God has blessed me, I can't deny it. What I meant is that whole thing about the "test God" thing. I hear it all the time. Basically people are being told that if they give they will GET in return. What God wants is a cheerful giver, not someone who is begrudging giving only hoping for a return. God's word does not say that he will only provide all your needs if only people would be willing to give him atleast 10% of their income. For me it all goes back to not reying on the wisdom of man but the power of God. I believe all people should tithe but utimately it is between God and the giver.
Joe said…
Yes, I agree it is ultimately between God and the person. But the Bible is pretty clear that it starts with 10% minimum. If you were to really study out the scriptures you would read tithes and offerings which in the OT & NT equals to around 23% or more. But it is God who says test Him in this not man. Obviously God's blessings are not only financial and I certainly don't say it that way when I give the challenge. I tell people God does not need their money he wants their hearts. I know we don't disagree on this. I am just clarifying what I do. That's not to say there are pastors out there doing it in a manipulative way.
David Wilson said…
It's actually pretty complicated in terms of the 23%+ figure. Remember, Israel was a theocracy so the tithe (while the nation was independent of foreign rule) was also like our income tax. The NT model is for generous, sacrificial, love driven giving and the "law" wouldn't apply to a NT Christian. That said, it would be hard to imagine how a ridiculously blessed American Christian wouldn't give at least as much as the poorest Hebrew peasant.

Personally, I'm all for returning to the old system of sacrifices as in Leviticus. Every peace offering I'd get to chow down at the BBQ.
Joe said…
Did someone say BBQ?
I agree and am aware that 10% is not the definitive number.It does not matter if it is 10% or 80%, I was just making the case that some pastors use tithing of money to manipulate people into giving to their church. I also agree that tithing of your time is just as important. It would make it real interesting if a tithing challenge of time was presented as well as the money issue.
Anonymous said…
I personally know that you use this tithe to manipulate people. Humn. Shame shame.
Joe said…
Yeah you know me. Mr. Manipulate.