Rehearsal dinner

Man, had an awesome time last night. We had dinner at Margarita's. This is a Mexican themed place with fantastic food, which comes with fantastic prices, but I wasn't buying. I had filet minon and lobster tail. Can you say "YUM". I chowed hard. They had about 30 people there and I didn't know many of them at all. By the time the night ended I had about 6 to 8 new friends. Some of whom, said they were coming to the church to help us finish building our nursery. I topped off my dinner with fried icecream. Yes. It was awesome. Today the wedding is at 12 and it is going to be a beautiful day. I am looking forward to it big time.


David Wilson said…
I had no idea that Mexicans liked filet mignon and lobster. I knew they were big on fried ice cream, but...

I suspect some miscegenation in their heritage.
Joe said…
Your just jealous
Anonymous said…
Wow, at that rate you are adding a chin-a-day.
Wow, with friends like that who needs family!
Joe said…
My thought exactly. ;)