
This is the traditional Passion week. Easter is coming. I love this time of year. I love celebrating Easter. But the Thursday and Friday before the weekend are always somber for me. This year it seems to be even more. It may sound odd but it seems like I lost a friend. Let me explain without too much detail.

I have been part of an online community for a few years. I have developed real friendships with many on the forum, so I thought. A few yes, but many alas are not. The purpose of the forum is a major passion in my life. I will always be for that purpose. I will always want to be around people with that same purpose. But today I decided it was time to leave the forum that I love as much as I love a friend. I originally did not intend to. Through some circumstances that have happened over the past week I basically had to take a backseat to posting any of my thoughts. I was fine with that. As hard as that was.

But what is interesting is I go to the forum and read others posts and it dawns on me, although they may not be coming out and saying it, they seem glad that I am gone. Maybe I am reading too much into their posts. Or maybe what I have been accused of has happened to me also. No matter the case I realize for the good of the forum and possible new members, that I no longer belong there. It really hurts my heart to say that. I have respect for many people on that forum and have received sound advice from some concerning issues that I went through in ministry. I am rather shaken to have to do this but I survived before I was there and I suppose I will now that I am not. I believe they will to.

I guess the other side of the coin is, because I "goofed" around too much people did not take me seriously when I would give my opinion to some of their questions. I was being completely serious but it got to the point, which it seems to me, that they really didn't care what I had to say. So I made my decision. Like I said, I feel like I lost a good friend. So I say goodbye to my "friend" and friends on that forum. I only wish God's blessings on all of them. I will continue to be passionate about the purpose and still attend different events when I can. It's just the forum I will need to stay away from.


David Wilson said…
You haven't lost this friend, Joe. And personally, I think your heart and passion for the gospel is what I'll remember even more than your slavish devotion to Tom Brady and his bunch.

You have made a difference in the lives of many on that forum, just as I know you have made a difference right where you are.

We'll find someway to keep pushing each other (and tweaking each other) where people actually enjoy living and serving Christ.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Your brother David
Joe said…
Thanks Bro.
Anonymous said…
this just seems to add to all my confusion with all the stuff going on in my life, now the ones I admired have now made the exodus from that forum!
Bro I'll still covet your input!

GNID, you leaving makes it harder to get your input...Dave too!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Man,

You will be missed. I am not sure what I missed while I was gone for a week, but several key people have stopped posting. With you and the others gone, the place will never be the same.


Robert AKA The Fish
Anonymous said…
*sniff!* I may cry. Talk amongst yourselves. *sniff!!*

Seriously, you know I'll always stand with you. I'll miss the place too but, you know, to everything there is a season. We're not banned, just disliked. :)

Time to move forward. You'll always be our fat l'il flag.
Joe said…
Hey Guys. I appreciate your responses. It is nothing personal against anyone on the forum. The last thing I wanted to do was leave. But I realize that in order for others to stay on and newbies to enter my time is done there. That is why I did not make a big deal about leaving. I just left quietly and without fanfare. Who knows. Maybe a year or two from now there will be room for me again. God bless you guys and I appreciated your friendships on the forum. You guys can always e-mail me or check on my blog if you need to ask me a question. I'm not dropping out of the Purpose Driven Model/Movement, just from the discussion. God bless guys.
Joe said…
BTW Ken, get a grip man.:)
Anonymous said…
Yeah. Ok.
Art Good said…
Joe, I haven't been on the forum much lately because of my other job, and I didn't realize until today that you weren't posting on there. We gotta keep in touch man. Our experiences seem too similar. You are taking your church where I want to go with mine. Thanks for all of your counsel. You were one of the few who seemed to understand why I stuck around here. God bless!

Joe said…
Anytime Art. Definitely keep in touch. Check out our church website to get my e-mail. I'm still here. Not going anywhere. You know I support you Bro.
Anonymous said…
I guess one good thing I can say about the exodus of you and several others is that I now spend a LOT less time there! I might actally have to find a forum of other moms/pastor's wives to banter with now to get some adult "conversation" during the day!
Joe said…
LOL. I noticed I am getting a lot more work done now that I am not posting there. You can banter on here all you want. Blessings on you and your family.