Ego Driven Church

I was reading an article in PE about the Great Welsh Revival. Evan Roberts is considered the catalyst to that revival. I thought there were some good notions that came out of that article that I want to explore because it relates to something that seems to be more prevelant as of late.

We live in such a narcassistic time that even in the church it becomes about the lead guy. Andy Stanley said once, "The guy in charge is usually the one who speaks the best." How true that seems.

In the article it said, "Famous preachers of that day had little success. Nothing that focused on an individual succeeded." I have noticed, unfortunately, that guys who seem to have success growing their churches tend to have a streak of pride and individuality to them. This is not a blanket statement of every pastor of growing churches. Just some that I have noticed. Yes, I believe they love Jesus with all their hearts and are doing God's will. I definitely don't question that nor the success they are having. I think it is great.

But the problem I have is with that streak of pride that comes out in the things they say. After all, Jesus said, "What is in the heart will come out the mouth." These guys have the greatest intentions and the greatest visions but I personally fear for them because Jesus also said, "Pride comes before a fall." Christianity does not need any more high profile pastors falling. We need to stick together and lift Jesus up.

The thing with Evan Roberts was he ran from the spot light. Although his ministry really was about just over a year, God used him to spark a world-wide revival. He avoided doing interviews, and being put in the spot light. His prayer was "Lord, bend me." And God did in an amazing way. He once canceled a big meeting because he felt it was going to focus on him rather than Jesus.

My question is, where are these guys today? It seems to me if you are to be a somebody in a growing church that you have to be just like all the other big guys. You know, but for the grace of God go I. I can so easily get trapped into thinking that God couldn't do this without me or without Riverstone Church. Well, guess what, He has got on well throughout eternity without any of us. He can use who He will.

To my friends in ministry, pay attention to your motives and attitudes. When you start to think that the success has come because of you, look out. There are too many to mention, pastors, some my friends, who were doing what you are doing and they are now sidelined because they let that streak of pride reign in their lives. Be careful. The devil will exploit it.

Follow Evan Robert's example and let it ALL be about Jesus. Give it up and God will take it up. I'm with you and praying for you. Do great things for God but let God be great and get ALL the glory.
