Our service yesterday was great. Had some great responses to the music and the message. I preached through the whole first chapter of Philippians in 30 minutes. That was interesting.
We had our second membership class last night. It went great. Thanks to Dave and Bonnie for opening your home for that. Also thanks to Merideth for revamping the ppt onto dvd. You did awesome.
It's official times 10, I am sick of snow. It's coming down right now and this may mean another session with Skoal. Well at least he is getting a good workout.
We are doing our first baby dedication at Riverstone Church this Sunday. Jason and Beth Klebes will be dedicating Addalyn Grace. This will be such a very special time.
BTW, guys, men's retreat is coming up in May. If you want to go let me know. It will be May 14-16. Send me an email and I will get the details out to you.
I might be starting a new masters program. Liberty U. is doing a special program for pastors and I'm looking into it. I was doing my Masters of Ministry Leadership through Rockbridge U. and I was 3/4 of the way through it when I decided to not finish. I wasn't learning anything through it. Great online school for people who have not already had bible college or seminary. I hope I can transfer some credits over.
Looking forward to Easter. It's coming fast and we have some cool plans for it. We are looking to relaunch and try to have 100 in attendance. Pray that we can reach as many people as possible with the Gospel.
We had our second membership class last night. It went great. Thanks to Dave and Bonnie for opening your home for that. Also thanks to Merideth for revamping the ppt onto dvd. You did awesome.
It's official times 10, I am sick of snow. It's coming down right now and this may mean another session with Skoal. Well at least he is getting a good workout.
We are doing our first baby dedication at Riverstone Church this Sunday. Jason and Beth Klebes will be dedicating Addalyn Grace. This will be such a very special time.
BTW, guys, men's retreat is coming up in May. If you want to go let me know. It will be May 14-16. Send me an email and I will get the details out to you.
I might be starting a new masters program. Liberty U. is doing a special program for pastors and I'm looking into it. I was doing my Masters of Ministry Leadership through Rockbridge U. and I was 3/4 of the way through it when I decided to not finish. I wasn't learning anything through it. Great online school for people who have not already had bible college or seminary. I hope I can transfer some credits over.
Looking forward to Easter. It's coming fast and we have some cool plans for it. We are looking to relaunch and try to have 100 in attendance. Pray that we can reach as many people as possible with the Gospel.