Sex God

This is my current read. Sex God by Rob Bell. This is his latest book dealing with the issue of sexuality and connectiveness between human beings. I am about 3/4 of the way through and he has written some profound thoughts.

In one chapter he talks about the relationship between a husband and a wife. He talks about that verse where submission is to be mutual between the husband and wife. That too often it is taken out of context by men who want to dominate their wives. They need to submit to his "authority, headship, leadership". And women actually buy into it. When the context of the verse is saying that we are to submit to one another. It is a mutual submission.

Then ultimately the question comes up, "Well then, who makes the final decision on the big issues?" "You can't have two heads."

Rob says, "Think about your friendships, the closest ones, the ones that have gone the distance. How often do you ask who is in charge? Do you ever find yourself questioning, 'Where does the buck stop?'"

"No, it's not even on the radar. Over time you've built up reserves of trust and love, and power and control become irrelevant. The healthier and more whole a marriage relationship is, the less you ask these kinds of questions. When people are truly living in what's called 'mutual submission', you lose track of whose in charge. In a marriage, you're talking about power and control only when something central to the whole relationship has fallen apart."

He has much more to say on it but I thought that part was worth repeating. I know that the healthiest marriages are those where the husband and wife submit to each other by serving one another. By prefering the others needs above their own. Mutually submitting to each other.
