Two Shall Be One

This is the second part of Loving your wife. One of the great mysteries about marriage is that the Bible says in Genesis that the two shall become one flesh. That is amazing. But what is more amazing to me is how some husbands feel they have absolute authority over their wives and homes. They call the shots. They have the final say. They dictate to the wife how to think and act. That is more like slavery than servanthood. A true man and loving husband will show respect for his wife. When we are told in Eph. 5 that women should submit to their husbands it is not saying to become a doormat. That you must obey every whim of your husband. Rather it is a submission of respect. That you would follow your husbands lead because he is serving you and you do it out of respect for him and God.

Yet the same is true of the husbands. We do not have carte blanch to tell our wives what to do. Christ is our example. He submitted himself to God and yet "he has all authority on heaven and earth" and "every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord". Both the husband and wife are called to submit to one another. For the wife it means to follow her husbands lead as he follows Christ and for the husband it means to put aside his selfish wants and desires to care for his wife. That is mutual respect and servanthood. One becomes a tyrannt who does not consider the others thoughts and feelings.

Rick Warren says, "According to the Bible, the man is the spiritual head of the family, and his wife should acknowledge his leadership. But real spiritual leadership involves service. Just as Christ served his disciples, even to the point of washing their feet, so the husband is to serve his wife. A wise and Christ-honoring husband will not take advantage of his leadership role, and a wise, Christ-honoring wife will not undermine her husband's leadership."

The problem with some guys is they really don't understand the scriptures as well as they think when they treat their wives just a little better than a slave. That is not Christ-honoring and it will bring dishonor to their families. The worst part is people who have never had proper Bible training interpreting the Bible for themselves. They usually claim they interpret the Bible "literally" but really don't know what that means. Usually it means they interpret it to mean what they want it to say. I have seen too many people get off in strange doctrines this way and bring reproach on the name of Christ and their families. I hope and pray their eyes are opened before their pride brings them down.
