In The Beginning

Well, here it is. My very first blog. For the longest time I have been hearing from friends and others that I simply must have a blog. I thought to myself "What is a blog?". I think it is defined in many ways by many people. But for me it is about sharing my thoughts and poor typing skills.

I am not of the writing ilk. I have tried to keep journals over the years but I have been so inconsistent with them. I don't like to write. I like to think and share my thoughts in the moment though. So if you ever saw my journals you would get to read one or two sentences at most. And even at that they are days if not weeks and months apart.

So here I am again beginning something new with trepedation. Maybe with a few mispelled words too. So I now enter the world of bloggers with my very first one. For some reason I feel the floor falling out from under me like on that ride that spins you so fast you stick to the wall and your intestines make it up to your throat.

So I raise my cup of coffee to all of you who dare to probe into my thoughts and actually read this jibberish. See you at the next blog.


Joe said…
Thanks Guys. I look forward to years of blogging. The best thing is I really like it.